Number Stories

Cross Posted from Written By Christine Pinto and Jessica Twomey If you are coming across this post, the information for our Number Story study is now available in our Innovating Play book! Chapter 6 includes a detailed lesson plan of the pacing for the duration of the study, supplemental resources, and of course Continue Reading →

Character Studies

As we nurture emergent readers and writers we take time explore the craft of the author and illustrator, and the role of each in telling a story. During this three week Character Study, children had the opportunity to connect deeply with a variety of characters. We focused on making meaningful Continue Reading →

Playing with Characters and Settings – An Extended Reading Experience

Cross Posted from Written By Christine Pinto and Jessica Twomey ï»ż As part of Extended Reading in our Kindergarten classes, we seek to give children rich literacy experiences that model use of reading skills and strategies, as well as explore concepts in ways that allow for meaningful connection beyond the book.  Utilizing Continue Reading →

A Summer of Discoveries and New Connections – #InnovatingPlay

Cross Posted from Written By Christine Pinto and Jessica Twomey Discovering the Country Miss Pinto and her California kiddos had a three week lead on summer vacation, but it wasn’t the end of the communication with Mrs. Twomey and her New Jersey kids! As mentioned in Our Year Long Memory String Continue Reading →