The Google Apps for Littles Book is PUBLISHED!

Available on Amazon

The Google Apps For Littles book is PUBLISHED! The book released in the heart of the school year, and it has taken me awhile to wrap my head around the fact that IT IS ACTUALLY OUT THERE IN THE WORLD! It wasn’t until a week after the release date, when my classroom team surprised me with a little celebration and I explained to my kiddos that I was an author…and paged through the book with them…..that it FINALLY hit me that I was holding THE #GAfE4Littles book!

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Playing with Google Apps Discussion!

Let’s DIVE into the big ideas behind Google Apps for Littles. #GAfE4Littles has joined forces with #InnovatingPlay, and the March Invitation to Play is all about Playing with Google Apps! The play initiative for the month was kicked off by the #SlowFlipChat discussion taking place on Flipgrid. The questions require us to take a closer look at the meaning behind #GAfE4Littles and reflect how we can expand on #GAfE4Littles integrated activities. While the topic launched on March 4th and questions are being individually posted that week, the Flipgrid WILL REMAIN OPEN…giving you the option to jump in and participate at any time during the month of March…or beyond!

Big “Thank Yous”

I am full of gratitude to everyone who played a role in the production of the book….my co-author Alice Keeler, the publishing team with Dave Burgess Consulting Inc., my PLN, my family, my school district, and of course… students!!

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